You are invited to paint centerpieces at Pottery by You for the Festival of Trees Gala Auction!

2 Sep 2023 by Cathy Nyrkkanen

Dear Special Olympics Athletes,

You are invited to paint centerpieces at Pottery by You for the Festival of Trees Gala Auction!

For the Festival of Trees this year, Pottery By You (PBY) is donating 42 trays/platters/plates for the centerpieces. We would love for these center pieces to be painted by our amazing athletes!

Painting sessions begin on Sept 7th!

If you would like to paint a centerpiece for the event, please sign up on this google doc:

OR You can also message me and I will gladly add you to the sign up sheet.

There is no cost to the athlete to participate. There are a few parameters:
1) Weekend dates will not be available.
2) we ask that providers/staff put their names down on the sign-up as the contact name and phone (unless the athlete is their own guardian they can put their own contact info down).
3) It will be important that athletes sign up no later than a day (24 hrs.) before they intend on painting so that PBY is able to provide staff to help as needed. The sooner they sign-up the better!
4) PBY only has centerpieces available for SOWY athletes (up to 42). However, if providers/staff come with athletes and would like to paint an item on their own that is perfectly fine (they would need to pay for that item themselves though).
5) 4 athletes can go in on a scheduled day anywhere from 11-3 to paint
6) The platters will have a design drawn on them and the PBY staff will provide a platter and the paint colors to paint the design. will Athletes not have to pay to paint as PBY is donating the platters and we’ll put them on the tables for sale at the Festival of Trees event.
PBY Location: 1627 E 2nd St, Casper, WY 82601 ·

Festival of Trees info:
Kick off the 2023 holiday season with the Festival of Trees Gala Auction!
Thursday, November 30 – 6:00 PM
Best Western Downtown – 123 W. E St. – Casper
To purchase tickets or donate items please visit the 2023 Festival of Trees auction site

Space is limited at the event. New this year, there will be 8 free athlete tickets available! If you would like to get on the list for complimentary tickets, please contact VP of Development, Madi Miller. Phone: 307-235-3062 ext 105 email:

We expect there are more than 8 athletes interested in free entry to the event. The Special Olympics office will hold a lottery to determine who will receive complimentary tickets to the event. The drawing will be Nov 1st.

Please reach out with any questions. Thank you to all of you who are able to support Festival of Trees, one of Special Olympics Wyoming’s biggest fundraisers!

Happy painting!

Cathy Nyrkkanen
Area 5 Director
Special Olympics Wyoming
307-215-4054 (cell)


1627 E 2nd St, Casper, WY 82601, USA

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